Monday 6 January 2020


It’s the Day to embrace the shine
Exalting seventh heaven to enshrine

It’s the Day to clasp every moment akin the divine
Throbbing heart behold the smile design

It’s the Day to shrine blessing join us the path
Way derived life purpose by oath

It’s the Day enhanced my faith
Yes, Dad’s princess is born... January Seventh!!


Saturday 9 June 2018


Eye turned blurred
Making me stunned
Life again spinned
Amused whether it ruined

But why to be worried
When love is beside and inside
Being beside atmost cared
Being Inside atmost prayed

Oh its you my dear 
Who took away my fear
Why to be so edgies
When you have a aegis

Though its blurred 
Thoughts became cleared
One life to be shined
Blossom life being loved 


Friday 25 March 2016

Alone is not Lonely - Defined

It’s not the throng that bang bond
It’s better you with you than covered faces around

Staying oneself doesn’t mean you’re lonely soul
Staying lonely doesn’t mean you are alone sole

Never pursuit for your happiness which turns mopy
It’s always and already in your heart indeed makes you happy

You think you want and that won’t, it is Life’s satire
By the time you realize life, you finally retire

So being alone will never let you lonely
As long as thought process knows truth within strongly 


Tuesday 22 March 2016

Wake up wake up! it's time to get up

Wake up, wake up its time to get up
This is my alarm to wake you up

My alarm clock has ticked as usual at quarter to eight
Get ready sweetheart its time to start putting today's effort

Hearing your voice diction early morning is intocixated elation
Its so frenzy, oh honey ecstacy is at levitation

Oh you still drowsy, sleep for somemore while so tight
I will wake you up again at quarter past eight

This is the last chance, should get up instantly now
Else you know, time turns to last minute and stress grow

Start early to avoid crazy gridlock
Can reach office without any mindblock

Have your breakfast, remember to carry midday meal packed
Oh its late! even I will also get ready, please apprise once you reached  

Wake up, wake up its time to get up
This is my alarm to wake you up


Monday 21 March 2016

Hey Puppy!! Secret please

Hey pup! I wonder what you see
I know surely you're blank same as me

You see me as a stranger here lonely
I see at your eyes though alone you stay so calmly

We find a thin line of difference between you and me
That is I though look at you calmly my mind is not serene

It’s so wonderful to see you with no expectation canine
You are so alone but still blooming at marine

Looking at your warmth feel to request for your suggestion for glee
How to be like you, please tell me the secret here its only you and me


Sunday 13 March 2016

i want answer...

I wish had an answer to what I want to know
I would full fledged surrender and myself bow 

It's true that heart has a single key
For defined reason keys exchanged between you and me 

We accessed the doors of love years before 
Exchanged the hearts by syncing the beats to its core 

Acceptable truth is, it happens only once in this piece of life
Journey is blissful lets not disturb, even if destiny strife

A small problem is upon exchange of heart keys are vanished 
Feelings build the dreams and construct it's world relished 

World built in both hearts bigger than outside universe 
Here everything is ours, though people try to turn it averse  

Can materialistic arrangements overtake this divinity of love?
I don't think so dare this materialistic people have guts to impact shove 

I was always searching academically best example for substance over form jargon
But now seeing it in life, Love over all worldly arrangements is best paragon

Don't you get worried, no one can ever supersede you 
Universe in its entirety looks as so few
