Tuesday 22 March 2016

Wake up wake up! it's time to get up

Wake up, wake up its time to get up
This is my alarm to wake you up

My alarm clock has ticked as usual at quarter to eight
Get ready sweetheart its time to start putting today's effort

Hearing your voice diction early morning is intocixated elation
Its so frenzy, oh honey ecstacy is at levitation

Oh you still drowsy, sleep for somemore while so tight
I will wake you up again at quarter past eight

This is the last chance, should get up instantly now
Else you know, time turns to last minute and stress grow

Start early to avoid crazy gridlock
Can reach office without any mindblock

Have your breakfast, remember to carry midday meal packed
Oh its late! even I will also get ready, please apprise once you reached  

Wake up, wake up its time to get up
This is my alarm to wake you up


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