Sunday 13 March 2016

i want answer...

I wish had an answer to what I want to know
I would full fledged surrender and myself bow 

It's true that heart has a single key
For defined reason keys exchanged between you and me 

We accessed the doors of love years before 
Exchanged the hearts by syncing the beats to its core 

Acceptable truth is, it happens only once in this piece of life
Journey is blissful lets not disturb, even if destiny strife

A small problem is upon exchange of heart keys are vanished 
Feelings build the dreams and construct it's world relished 

World built in both hearts bigger than outside universe 
Here everything is ours, though people try to turn it averse  

Can materialistic arrangements overtake this divinity of love?
I don't think so dare this materialistic people have guts to impact shove 

I was always searching academically best example for substance over form jargon
But now seeing it in life, Love over all worldly arrangements is best paragon

Don't you get worried, no one can ever supersede you 
Universe in its entirety looks as so few


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